Presents human-cosmos relationship in terms every body can understand. We begin where Science ends. Science reveals the properties of about 5 % of the material aspect of an object. Our holistic methodologies present 100 % of any subject, covering, both, material and nonmaterial aspects of the subject. You have the option to select your area of interest for a clear understanding of subjects/things important to you, in cosmic completeness.
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Most relationships are based on the Principle of Feminine Spiritual Primacy.
Please review the page titled "feminine spirituality" in the site index on the left.
If possible, do have your partner also read the article.
Many fundamental points are raised in the article.
If this line of logic and lifestyle appeals to both of you, you may wish to proceed to the next step.
A good start may be to discuss some of the points raised in the article with your partner. Make an Attrition List of how much agreement or disagreement you can arrive at, in your discussion with your partner.
You may want to review the Attrition List over a period of a week or two.
In most cases, the discussion alone resolves many points of doubt and disagreements.
If you need further help and a deeper analysis of your disagreements, you may want to review the general questionnaire in the box above.
Next step involves sending for a more specific questionnaire, filling two copies and mailing them back along with the fee indicated on the questionnaire itself.
A preliminary step suggested is to review the Self-Assessment Quationnaire in the Contact Us page of the site index on the left.
Two preliminary courses are suggested there.
This is a necessary first step in understanding the principles involved. Some reading and exercises may be required. This education alone, in most cases, lays the foundation of a deeper understanding and is an excellent tool for conflict resolution.
This procedure ensures a success rate of 90% .
Good luck!
Copyright 2013 . All rights reserved. Exploitation of the material on this website for academic and commercial purposes without the written consent of the author is strictly forbidden. All material on this site is copyrighted at the Library of Congress.
Publishers by Design
ph: 9514610423
fax: 951 461 0423 (by arrangement only)
alt: 951 905 0467